Hey there Chuck Fans! We thought an ‘End of Summer/Start of Autumn Production Update’ was in order, just to keep you up to date with where we are on ‘Chuck Steel: Night of the Trampires’.
With Animortal Studio now fully built and operating at 100%, our studio floor has been up and running properly for 3 months, most sets are now live, and we have a full, or at least almost full, compliment of animators busily making their way through their allocated shots on their allocated sets.
Our Art Department are measuring, measuring twice, cutting and building fantastic looking sets, from the small to the super-massive, and the props and set dressing they are turning out is surpassing everyone’s expectations.
The Puppets department have done a sterling job. With almost 500 characters to create they have almost completed all the characters, sculpting, armatures, molds, painting…the works.
The Wardrobe dept. have deftly created clothes for almost 500 characters, and they all look on-point. From the Tuxes and Ballgowns to Trampire attire and Chucks leather jacket – even the cheerleaders outfit looks amazing, complete with under-boob.
Our Department Heads have a million and one tiny decisions to make each day, we have camera department bods rushing about setting up MoCo rigs & changing cameras or lenses, the lighting techs are working out and implementing the correct lighting for each set, and our IT man is rushing about lengthening CAT6 cable and fixing digital disasters.
Our VFX team is already full steam ahead putting the finishing touches to the shots coming off the floor, and our editor, well…he is editing – we know this because little by little, the story-board animatic that we all watched at the start, is filling up with very good looking shots from the studio floor, that are being watched daily at lunch time by hoards of us studio Trampires.
So there you go – we’re right here, slap bang in the middle of making a stop motion feature film, and we’re not going anywhere for quite a little while yet, so please do stay tuned.